Dear Christian:
We Christians are destined to take everything that is now in the possession of the non-Christians. It's our God given right. It's not greed! It's not materialism! It's not selfishness! Just read the Old Testament, this is how it's supposed to work. God ordained it! Christians are destined not just to rule the US, but to rule the entire earth.
God said we should take all of the wealth and not allow people who don't believe what we believe to have it. Remember, if they have wealth than they will also have power. Think about that. If we allow non-Christians to have wealth and power then we're the ones who are sinning against God. As Christians it's our duty to take charge of the government, the schools, the media, the arts, the family, businesses and religion too. These are the seven pillars that God has placed us in charge of. Here me now, we are destined, yes destined, to control everything. It's our heritage!
Your friendly neighborhood Christian Dominionist
What is Christian Dominionism?
"The Christian dominionists — a term loosely used to describe a sect of Christians who want to take over "seven mountains" of culture including (1) government and the military, (2) business and finance, (3) religion, (4) family, (5) education and science, (6) arts and entertainment and (7) media — can be entertaining and not taken very seriously by casual observers. These "apostles and prophets" of the New Apostolic Reformation, who are surrounded by godly communication portals called "glory clouds,"say that they have "anointed" future presidents and have really cool super powers that allow them to raise the dead, defy gravity and get rid of demonic spirits like insanity.
As special friends of God in a divine endgame, they predict that they will take over the world by 2032, aided by mighty angels whose wings are made of "razor sharp razors" instead of feathers — angels that have vowed to help Christians defeat the Nephilim, the scary and demonic spirits of giants that once roamed the earth and who now disguise themselves as powerful men cloaked in suits and ties and employed in high places in the media and government. The worldwide evangelical association, the Lausanne Movement, announced in the summer of 2011 its 10-year plan to accomplish seven mountains-like objectives. In their quest to transform all nations on earth into Christly kingdoms ready to receive Jesus Christ as ultimate ruler, some dominionists are forming a Christian Intelligence Service (sort of a godly counterpart to the CIA) that will report un-Christian activity.
They will rule like kings, says C. Peter Wagner, founder of the New Apostolic Reformation. "Dominion has to do with control. Dominion has to do with rulership. Dominion has to do with authority and subduing and it relates to society [...] dominion means being the head and not the tail. Dominion means ruling as kings," Wagner proclaimed to his followers in August 2011 — the same month that leaders of the Christian dominionist movement gathered in prayer with Texas Governor Rick Perry at "The Response" prayer rally in Houston."source the God Discussion
Watch: Ted Cruz's father preaches about 'the end times transfer of wealth.' He claims that Christians are 'anointed kings' and are therefore entitled to take the wealth from the rest of the world. Also, in this grand illusion, bankers are blessed, especially the corrupt ones who rob the poor and the needy in the name of Jesus.
OK, now we have to talk. I know this all sounds appealing. Let's face it, it's much more appealing than humility, sacrifice and being called to give up everything to follow Christ. It is massively more appealing than having to lay down our lives for Jesus, or being persecuted, tortured and killed for His sake.
It may be appealing, but it is not Christianity.
“I know that’s why God got Rafael’s son elected – Ted Cruz, the next Senator. But here’s the exciting thing – and that’s why I know it’s timely for him to teach this, and bring this anointing. The rabbinical teaching is, especially amongst gentiles, who God opens their eyes, that in a few weeks begins that year 2012, and that this will begin what we call the “End Time Transfer of Wealth.
And that when these gentiles begin to receive this blessing, they will never go back financially through the valley again. They will grown and grow and grow. It’s said this way – that God is looking at the church, and everyone in it, and deciding, in the next 3 and 1/2 years, who will be his bankers. And the ones that say, “Here am I, Lord, you can trust me”, we will become so blessed that we will usher in the coming of the Messiah. This message if for you. Would you welcome our good friend Rafael Cruz? What a tremendous man of God.”
Not one word of this is from the Bible. There is no Biblical prophecy about Christians growing in wealth or ruling the world. In fact, the Bible says the EXACT OPPOSITE of what these people are teaching. Christians have to GOT to stop being suckered in by this false teaching. More so, you have to stop voting for and sending your money to, the people who are promoting this twisted and distorted version of Christianity.
Can you really be a Christian and build an entire religion around Genesis 1:28, while ignoring everything that Jesus Himself said? I don't see how.
Either you believe Jesus or you believe some whacked out interpretation of Genesis 1:28 (in which man is given dominion over the animals, not other men).
"Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth"
In context, this verse was written before the fall of mankind, before the commandments and way before Christ. Why use this verse as the foundation of a supposedly Christian religion, then?
I can tell you why. Because Christianity is hard.
Read John 6:60:
"But hearing it, many of his disciples said 'This is a hard saying. Who can accept it?
It's also not supposed to be about seeking to dominate other other people. Jesus said:
"He who humbles himself will be exalted and he who exalts himself will be humbled."
Philippians 2:3 makes it very clear:
"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."
Christians are supposed to be servants, not masters. Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus, or any apostle call on us to lord ourselves over anyone. The very root of the word 'Dominionism' is to 'dominate'. That is exactly what Jesus told us not to do.
Mark 10:45
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”Luke 22:26 and 27
But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.
What Christian Dominionists promote is the false idea that Christians are better than other people and are therefore entitled to take from them, in contradiction to what Christ said and did. I say this because Jesus served sinners (everyone on earth) and He laid down His life for them.
And then there's the part about how Christians are destined to rule the world and be blessed with earthly things. Certainly that is what some people WANT to have happen, but it's not what the New Testament says is going to happen.
You have not been granted dominion over all the other people of the earth. What have you been granted then?
Phillipians 1:29:
For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,
The fact is there are a lot of people who can't accept that Christians are called to give up everything and follow Jesus. They can't accept that they are called to serve, to sacrifice, to suffer or even to lay down their lives. To sum it up, they can't accept Jesus or his teachings.
Those people want to believe that they understand Christianity but they don't. They've chosen to reinterpret every Christian principle, because they can't understand or accept a religion that requires services, sacrifice and selflessness. Sure they want to be Christians, but not if it means obeying the commandments of Christ. Not if it means they're called to humbly serve people they think of as 'below themselves. Not if it means that they're called to sacrifice worldly possessions or luxuries or comforts or their false sense of security. Instead they angrily demand that others make sacrifices for their sake.
They want to be Christians, but not if they're called to suffer for Christ's sake. Instead of obedience, they've come up with an entire list of justifications to explain why that part of what Jesus said is not applicable to them. Sadly, unlike any true martyr of Christianity, when they're called to lay down their lives for Christ, they'll go for their assault weapons instead.
They might reject everything that Christ said, but in order to still be able to convince themselves and others that they're really Christians, they had to come up with own religion, which is Dominionism. They attached the word Christian to it to make it seem like it has something to do with Jesus. It doesn't.
It wouldn't be so bad if this false doctrine hadn't invaded so much of mainstream Christianity. It wouldn't be so bad if so many people who don't even realize that they're Dominionists weren't following right along with this idea, cuz gee, who wouldn't want that kind of Christianity, right?
But if Jesus is Lord then we emulate Him, not Michele Bachmann or Ted Cruz or Rick Perry. We get our Christianity from the New Testament, not Genesis 1:28.
If you believe that Christians are going to take over the world, then you don't believe the Gospels or the apostles or the book of Revelation.
Jesus said that many will say to Him, 'Lord, Lord' and He will say "Depart from me, I knew you not."
If you are one of those Christians who thinks we need a Christian government, then shouldn't you be somewhat concerned about whose version of Christianity you're even talking about? Just because someone says they are a Christian, that does not mean they believe as you believe. That does not mean they understand the Bible as you understand it. When they talk about 'God' it doesn't mean they're talking about God as you know Him.
I believe that Dominionism is a very dangerous cult. I do not want their want their version of Christianity shoved down my throat or the throats of my children and grandchildren. I believe 100 percent in the separation of church and state because I do not want or need to get my spiritual teachings from politicians or the government. I find especially frightening that the very same people who claim to hate the government most, are completely supportive of giving the government control of their spiritual lives.
You have to learn to watch out for wolves in sheep's clothing.
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